Die Four 20 Pharma GmbH gibt auf dieser Seite einen 360° Blick auf das Unternehmen, Produktion, Partner, Sponsoring und Soziales.
As an importer and wholesaler of medical cannabis and medical devices, we are GDP-certified and GMP-certified. We also apply this quality standard to our suppliers and partners.
Four 20 Pharma GmbH, headquartered in Paderborn (Germany), has a pharmaceutical wholesale license in accordance with Section 52a AMG and a narcotics permit in accordance with Section 3 BtMG. We also have all necessary import licenses for the import of medical cannabis into Germany as well as a permit in accordance with §7 AMG and §1 AMRadV to trade drugs that have been treated with ionizing radiation to reduce the number of bacteria.
We are a reliable partner for doctors, pharmacists, medical institutions and patients when it comes to medical cannabis. We focus on quality, patient wellbeing and service.
Unsere Produktion setzt auf modernste Verfahren und höchste Qualitätsstandards, um die Reinheit und Wirksamkeit unseres Medizinalcannabis zu gewährleisten. Jeder Produktionsschritt wird streng kontrolliert und dokumentiert, um eine gleichbleibende Qualität sicherzustellen.
Im Labor führen wir umfangreiche Analysen und Tests durch, um die Qualität und Sicherheit unserer Produkte zu gewährleisten. Durch den Einsatz fortschrittlicher Technologien und Methoden stellen wir sicher, dass unsere Produkte den höchsten pharmazeutischen Standards entsprechen.
Unser Versandprozess ist effizient und zuverlässig, um eine schnelle und sichere Lieferung unserer Produkte zu gewährleisten. Wir arbeiten eng mit zertifizierten Logistikpartnern zusammen, um die Integrität der Produkte bis zum Endkunden zu wahren.
Auswahl von Partnern nach höchsten pharmazeutischen Qualitätstandards
Vielfalt an Arzneimitteln fördern und die medizinische Versorgung von Patient:innen verbessern
Ärzt:innen und Apotheker:innen erhalten Unterstüztung bei Fragen zu Produkten und Rezepten
Four 20 Pharma GmbH stands for the highest quality and meets the guidelines of GMP and GDP certification. In this way, we ensure that our pharmaceutical products meet established quality standards.
- Consistent product quality
- Traceability
- Avoiding all types of contamination
Our suppliers and logistics partners are carefully selected and work exclusively in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Good Distribution Practice (GDP).
In this way, we ensure the highest and consistent quality standards along the entire supply chain, from development to production and logistics of our goods.
GDP certification
Assured quality of products along the entire supply chain.
GMP certification and manufacturing permit in accordance with §13 AMG
Consistent manufacturing of pharmaceutical products in accordance with established quality standards.
The best possible medical care for patients is at the center of our day-to-day activities. With the help of our diverse range of medical cannabis and full spectrum cannabis extracts we contribute to improving patients' quality of life as part of their treatment.
Our aim is to consistently comply with the highest pharmaceutical quality standards. For this reason, we have created a network of suppliers and partners, all of whom have GDP and GMP certification.
With more than five years of experience in the field of medical cannabis, we are proud to say that we are Germany's market leader in terms of quality and delivery capacity.