Circle of Experts

Are you an expert in the field of medical cannabis or do you want to become one? Participate in the Circle of Experts.

Circle of Experts

On Friday, April 3, 2024, our “Circle of Experts” event took place for the first time.

There were eight renowned experts from various medical fields to discuss the topic of “cannabis in medicine.”

Professor Dr. Müller-Vahl, specialist in neurology and psychiatry at the Department of Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the MHH Medical School Hannover, provided an overview of the use of cannabis in the treatment of mental illnesses, in particular for ADHD.

Professor Dr. Sylvia Mechsner, specialist in gynecology and head of the endometriosis center at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, offered a comprehensive insight into the clinical picture of endometriosis and showed what opportunities treatment with medical cannabis can offer those affected.

Dr. Konrad F. Cimander, specialist in general medicine and addiction medicine in his individual practice, discussed the use of cannabinoids in gastrointestinal diseases.

Dr. Daniel Huse, specialist in anesthesiology and intensive care medicine in his individual practice, discussed the role of osteopathy and cannabinoids in the treatment of craniomandibular disorders.

Dr. Sven Gottschling, specialist in pediatric and adolescent medicine and former chief physician at the Center for Cross-Age Palliative Medicine and Paediatric Pain Management at Saarland University Hospital, presented experiences with the use of cannabinoids in children with serious illnesses.

Rolf Wilhelm Schlüter, specialist in internal medicine and oncology and former medical director at Kanna-Medics, underlined the importance of a responsible approach to cannabis in medicine.

Dr. Akif Hidayatov, specialist in anesthesiology and intensive care medicine in his individual practice, gave a comprehensive overview of cannabis in medicine, from history to practical use.

Johannes Hoffmann, pharmacist at Schreibersche Apotheke in Melle, focused on the importance of pharmaceutical quality standards for medical cannabis.

Some highlights You can enjoy the all-round successful evening here at Video review watch:

In advance, you had the opportunity to sign up for a Online participation register for this event and ask the experts your questions. We were really impressed by the lively participation and lively discussions that resulted from it. Thank you so much for that!

If you missed the first appointment or are interested in further discussion on these topics, we have good news for you:

Further dates will follow after this successful kick-off event!

Fill out the form below now to to be informed directlywhen the next event is announced in this format. We are looking forward to seeing you!