Circle of Experts

Are you an expert in the field of medical cannabis or do you want to become one? Participate in the Circle of Experts.

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Gruppenfoto Circle of Experts 2024

Event information

Online/Presence (Paderborn)

Participation options

On site in Paderborn (max. 20 guests)

11:30 - 22:00 Watch including factory tour & subsequent closing
Hotel Vivendi Balhorner Feld 11, 33106 Paderborn


15:00 - 19:00 Watch live broadcast online with interactive expert discussion & space for your questions

After a successful start last year, the “Circle of Experts” is entering its second round! In 2025, we will continue to bring leading medical professionals and experts together to discuss the latest developments in medical cannabis.

Experience top-class lectures and interactive discussions with renowned experts from various fields. Take the opportunity to deepen your knowledge and gain valuable insights into the current possibilities of cannabinoid therapy.

2024 review & highlights

The first confirmed experts for 2025

Prof. Dr. Sven Gottschling
Specialist in Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Chief Physician Center for Age-wide Palliative Medicine and Paediatric Pain Management, Saarland University Hospital
Dr. Matthias Giesel
Anaesthesiology and Pain Management Specialist Marienkrankenhaus Soest
Dr. med. Daniel Huse
Specialist in anesthesiology and intensive care medicine, private practice Dr. med. Huse
Dr. med. Dipl.-Chem. Konrad F. Cimander
Specialist in general medicine and addiction medicine, head of the Competence Center for Cannabis Medicine (K.C.M.)
Prof. Dr. mult. Eckhard Nagel
Managing Director University of Bayreuth/Institute of Medical Management & Health Sciences
Dr. Christiane Neubaur
Pharmacist and managing director of the Association of Cannabis Supply Pharmacies (VCA)
Prof. Dr. med. Kirsten Müller-Vahl
Senior Physician at the Clinic, Specialist in Neurology and Psychiatry, Clinic for Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, MHH — Hannover Medical School
André Ihlenfeld
Anaesthetist and pain specialist, medical director of Copeia

Topic preview



Auswahl von Partnern nach höchsten pharmazeutischen Qualitätstandards


Patientenwohl im Mittelpunkt

Vielfalt an Arzneimitteln fördern und die medizinische Versorgung von Patient:innen verbessern


Excellenter Service

Ärzt:innen und Apotheker:innen erhalten Unterstüztung bei Fragen zu Produkten und Rezepten


Excellenter Service

Ärzt:innen und Apotheker:innen erhalten Unterstüztung bei Fragen zu Produkten und Rezepten


Excellenter Service

Ärzt:innen und Apotheker:innen erhalten Unterstüztung bei Fragen zu Produkten und Rezepten

Nahaufnahme einer Cannabis Blüte
Stay tuned — the main topics of the event will follow shortly!

Why participate?

Get in-depth insights from leading experts

Discuss recent developments in cannabinoid therapy

Connect with experts and interested parties

Ask your questions directly to the speakers

Sign up for the Circle of Experts now

Free participation
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